Why Pass the Mic?

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Started in August 2017, Pass the Mic was “a safe and inclusive space created by Why Men Rape to engage in virtual dialogue about the discrimination, violence and lives experienced by the genders, communities and people that bear the brunt of patriarchy.

We broadcast personal stories of survival; launch real-time public campaigns to fight discriminatory practices in society and policies; and profile allies who stand with us against sexual violence. We unite as an empowered intersectional community that is unwilling to stay silent about things that matter. Together, we fight the fierce fight.

Your stage. Your stories. Your voice. Your views. Your words.”

However, it became unsustainable without financial support. We’d like to resurrect it through financial assistance like CSR or a grant. Or an NGO or media collaboration. Gender NGOs could, for instance, outsource their content creation to us; media houses could outsource a few features or even their entire gender vertical to us—a pair of media veterans.

Do get in touch here if you can help. For now, PtM stays up as an example of the work we’ve created. (That is quite good, by any standards, especially with zero budget… even if we say so ourselves! We’ve even managed to create a fair amount of video content.)

—Tara* & Sowmya Rajaram
June 2020

survivor stories

Survivor Stories is for survivors at various stages of healing.

For those at one end of the spectrum, still grappling and guilt and self-blame (don’t!)—here’s a reminder that you are not a statistic (because, #YesAllWomen!) and you are not alone. (PS: The Why Indian Men Rape team is here if you just want to Talk To Us in private, okay?)

There is no one formula, route or time frame to healing. Meet those able and willing to talk about their experiences (because the blame-shame is not theirs to bear); who are ‘accidental activists’ by just being their wonderful, empowered selves. Also be inspired by individuals at the other end of the spectrum, who have galvanised their personal experiences of violence into action, art and activism, affecting a grander societal transformation.

These are real stories, served with a generous dose of TLC.

Talk To Us. Tell us your story or help bring the stories of disempowered survivors to a community that cares. We promise to keep every word 100% private and confidential, unless you explicitly wish to share your story with the world. You can also reach us at contact@whyindianmenrape.com.


United Against Sexual Violence

At United Against Sexual Violence, we introduce you to those who are allied against gender-based violence, in big and small ways.

You don’t need to have encountered or experienced it to stand with its victims and against the patriarchy that perpetuates it. Feminism, like all movements fighting systemic, structural oppression, needs allies who use their privileged positions to help create a fair, free world.

Hear our superstars—whose empathy for the cause leads them to actively champion and work against gender violence—share their understanding of allyship. Meet some not-so-ordinary individuals who have stood up to the patriarchy, one small act at a time.

Because we need better heroes.

Know an ally working actively to make a difference? Witness to a heroic act that deserves recognition? Send us a lead at contact@whyindianmenrape.com.



With our online+offline ACTivism campaigns, we strive to make real gender-positive changes in the immediate world around us.

Patriarchy is all-pervasive, and marginalised genders, communities and people face overt discrimination as well as microaggessions. With your help, we seek out these injustices, investigate their causes and pave the path to getting them fixed, catalysing vital societal change. As a strong community, we use our passion, privilege and platform to fight issues relevant to our stand against sexual violence and our broader feminist agenda.

Because, sometimes all it needs is a little push to make the world we dream of a reality. Join and follow our campaigns. Get in on the action. Be the change. Be a changemaker.

Want to contribute to one of our ongoing campaigns? Want to do more? Reach out at contact@whyindianmenrape.com.



Not sure how to be a part of the resistance? FEMdamental is the platform for those who are confused about how to (f)empower themselves. Become a part of our online feminist community, where we will share advice, discuss and dissect happenings around us, and build a sisterhood that helps us be better, do better. All while we have some fun!

It's time we moved forward and grew, and FEMdamental is where we build our manifesto to do just that. Come, join the (re)sisterhood!

Want to contribute to FEMdamental? Reach out at contact@whyindianmenrape.com.